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[2/15/2014 6:01:16 PM] *** Group call ***
[2/15/2014 6:03:52 PM] Thuan Thi Do: CHAPTER XXI


In the book called The Human Atmosphere (1911), Dr. W.J.Kilner describes the investigations he has made on the human aura by means of coloured screens. Dr. Kilner’s main principles and discoveries are summarised in this chapter. For further details, especially of the manner of using the screens, the reader is referred to the book mentioned.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Kilner expressly disclaims all clairvoyant power and did not even read accounts of the aura until over sixty of his patients had been examined. He claims that his methods are purely physical and can be employed with success by any one who takes the necessary pains.

The screens are thin, flat glass cells, containing dicyanin dyes in alcohol. Various colours are employed, for different purposes, such as dark and light carmine, blue, green and yellow.

The operator looks through a dark screen at the light for half a minute or longer, and then at the patient through a pale screen, when he finds he is able to perceive the aura. Use of the screens appears to affect the eyes, at first temporarily and later permanently, so that after a time the operator is able to perceive the aura even without the screens. Great care, however, is advised in using the screens, as the eyes tend to become very painful.

A dull diffused light, from one direction only, preferably from behind the observer, should be used, generally sufficient to enable the body to be seen distinctly. A dead black background is usually necessary, though for some observations a white one is required. The person being observed, should be about 12 inches in front of the background, to avoid shadows and other optical illusions.

In addition to the coloured screens, Dr. Kilner has employed another ingenious method of investigating the aura, which he terms that of Complimentary Colours. A band of colour, 2 inches by ¾ in., fairly well illuminated, is looked at steadily for thirty to sixty seconds. This has the effect of fatiguing the powers of the eye to perceive that particular colour, and in addition, the eyes are found to become abnormally sensitive to other colours.When then, the gaze is transferred to the patient, a belt or band of complimentary colour is seen, the same size and shape as the original strip: this “spectre” persists for some little time. In practice it is found that colour changes in the auras produce the effect of changing the appearance of the C.C. band. By this means, in skilful hands, a number of facts about the aura can be ascertained, which, by means of the screens alone, would remain undetected. The colours employed by Dr. Kilner are :

Gamboge having a C.C. Prussian Blue
Antwerp Blue having a C.C. Gamboge
Carmine having a C.C. Transparent Emerald green
Emerald Green having a C.C. Carmine
The aura is observed to consist of three distinct parts, called by Dr. Kilner:

The Etheric Double
The Inner Aura
The Outer Aura
The Etheric Double appears through the screens as a dark band adjacent to and following exactly the contours of the body. Its width is uniform throughout and is usually from 1/16th to 3 /16th ‘s of an inch. It varies in size with different people, and also with the same person under altered conditions. It appears to be quite transparent and distinctly striated, with very delicate lines of a beautiful rose colour, these appearing to tint the portions between the striations. The rose colour certainly contains more blue than there is carmine. It seems probable that the lines are self-luminous. Up to the present no attributes or changes in the Etheric Double have been found which are likely to be a help in diagnosis.

The Inner Aura commences from the outer edge of the Etheric Double, though frequently it appears to touch the body itself. It is usually of a uniform width of 2 to 4 inches throughout, though sometimes slightly narrower down the limbs, and follows the contours of the body. It is relatively wider in children than in adults. Its structure is granular, the granules being exceedingly fine and so arranged as to appear striated. The striæ are parallel to one another, being at right angles to the body, and in bundles, the longest in the centre and the shortest on the outside, with a rounded margin. The bundles are massed together, thus creating a crenated outline of the aura. The striæ have not been observed to possess any colour. In ill-health they are less apparent.

The Inner Aura is the densest portion of the aura proper. It is usually more distinctly marked and broader in persons in robust physical health.

The Outer Aura commences from the outer edge of the Inner Aura and, unlike the Inner Aura, varies in size considerably. Round the head it extends usually about 2 inches beyond the shoulders: by the sides and back of the trunk it is about 4 or 5 inches wide, in front of the body it is a little narrower. It follows closely the contours of the body, being sometimes a little narrower down the lower limbs. Around the arms it corresponds to that encircling the legs, but is generally broader round the hands and frequently projects a long distance from the finger tips. The outline is not absolutely sharp, but gradually vanishes into space. The Outer Aura appears structureless and non-luminous. The inner portion of the Outer Aura has larger granules than the outer portions, the different sizes graduating imperceptibly into one another.

The auras of boys and girls up to the age of about twelve or thirteen appear similar except that the texture of the female aura is usually finer than that of the male. From adolescence onwards the male and female auras become distinctive : in both, however, considerable peculiarities occur. The female aura is usually much wider at the sides of the body, the maximum width being at the waist, and it is also wider at the back than at the front, the widest part being at the small of the back, where frequently it bulges out.

Dr. Kilner considers that a form approximating to an egg-shaped oval is the most perfect, deviations from this being due to undevelopment. Fineness and transparency may be considered indications of a higher type of aura.

Children have auras relatively broader in proportion to their height than adults. Children also, especially males, have an Inner Aura almost as wide as the Outer, so that it may be difficult to differentiate the two.

Persons of intelligence usually have larger auras than those of low intellect. This is especially marked round the head. The more grey there is in the aura, the more dull or mentally affected is the owner.

Sometimes an exceedingly faint haze can be seen extending outwards a very long distance beyond the Outer Aura. This has been observed only where the aura is unusually extensive, and it appears probable that it is a continuation of the Outer Aura. Dr. Kilner calls this the Ultra Outer Aura.

Bright patches, rays or streams have been observed, emanating from various parts of the body. Sometimes they appear and disappear rapidly, at other times they persist. Patches never seem to be coloured : rays are usually colourless, though occasionally tinted with different hues. Where they occur the aura usually becomes denser.

There are three varieties :-

First : - Rays or Patches, lighter than the surrounding aura, entirely separated from but close to the body, appearing in and enveloped by the aura itself. In their most common form they are elongated, their long axes parallel with the body. Their sides are usually distinct, exactly coincident with the edge of the Inner Aura, but the ends, usually contracted and less bright, often fade into the adjacent aura.

The Inner Aura within the Ray usually, but not always, loses its striated appearance, and becomes granular. The longer the Ray persists the coarser become the granules.

Second :-Rays emanating from one part of the body and running to another part,...
[2/15/2014 6:04:36 PM] Thuan Thi Do: Second :-Rays emanating from one part of the body and running to another part, not very distant. These Rays are usually the most brilliant. They may be perceived running, e.g., from the body to an arm, or, if the arm be bent, from the armpit to the wrist.

If the observer holds his hand near the patient, the auras of both almost invariably become brighter locally, and in a short time a complete Ray will be formed between the hand and the nearest part of the patient. Such Rays are formed more easily between points than between surfaces.

In one instance a Ray from the hand of one person to that of another was a bright yellow, changing to a liquid ruby colour.

Third :- Rays projecting at right angles from the body into space, brighter than and as far as, or even beyond, the Outer Aura. The sides of the Rays are usually, though not always, parallel, and rarely fan-shaped; the ends become pointed and fade away, especially when issuing from the tips of the fingers.

Rays have never been observed other than straight. Their normal direction is perpendicular to the body, but they may take any direction, as, for example, when flowing from the tips of the fingers of one person to those of another.

In addition to the bluish-grey colour, red and yellow have been observed to tinge Rays. The facts that their structure resembles that of the Inner Aura, and that they have never been observed to diminish the adjacent Outer Aura, either in density or brightness, justify the conclusion that the Rays and the Inner Aura have a common origin – the body, and that therefore a Ray is merely an extended bundle of striæ of the Inner Aura.

Dr. Kilner has found also that, under similar conditions, though with more difficulty, he was able to perceive a haze or Aura surrounding magnets, particularly the poles, having a bluish colour : a yellow Aura round a crystal of uranium nitrate; a bluish Aura around the poles of galvanic cells, around any conductor joining the poles, and in the space between two wires connected each to one of the poles and to one another.

From the facts (1) that the Inner Aura has a striated structure, whilst the Outer Aura is entirely nebulous; (2) that the Inner Aura has a fairly well-marked border, that of the Outer Aura being ill-defined; (3) that the outer margin of the Inner Aura is crenated, but that of the Outer Aura does not in any way correspond; (4) that Rays proceed from the Inner Aura but in no case have been observed to commence in the Outer Aura and pass through to the Inner Aura – Dr. Kilner concludes (1) that the Outer Aura is most probably derived from the Inner; and (2) that the two Auras are most probably not the product of one and the same force.

Dr. Kilner thus posits (1) No. 1 Auric Force (for short 1 AF) which originates the Inner Aura, and (2) No. 2 Auric Force (2 AF), which originates the Outer Aura. 1AF acts apparently very intensely within a prescribed area. Through local increase of force, rays may be projected consciously by an effort of will. 2AF is more mobile and has a wider range of action than 1AF. It appears to be entirely independent of the will.

Different states of health, general or local, act on the forces, and through them on the Auras, though not necessarily in the same manner on both Inner and Outer Auras.

A local affection may cause all the striæ to disappear from the Inner aura, the latter becoming more opaque and dense, and changing its colour ; it may also appear roughly rayed, in a manner quite different from the fine striæ of health; or it may form a space devoid of the Inner Aura.

An affection over a large portion of the body may make the Inner Aura narrower on one side of the body than on the other; this is accompanied by an alteration of texture in the Inner Aura and often also the colour.

Variations in the Outer Aura, consequent upon 2AF, are less than is the case with the Inner Aura. The width may contract, but never quite disappear, and the colour may change. A change over a large area of the body may completely alter the shape of the Outer Aura. The Outer Aura may become narrower, the Inner Aura being unaffected; but if the Inner shrinks, the Outer does also.

Changes in the Auras may be produced by disease. In hysteria, the Outer Aura is wider at the sides of the trunk : its width contracts suddenly near the pubes; a bulge occurs at the back in the lumbar region.

In epilepsy, one side of both Inner and Outer Auras for their whole length is usually contracted : the Inner Aura becomes opaque, the texture coarser, and striation diminishes or disappears. The colour is usually grey.

A contraction of the Inner Aura invariably implies a grave malady. Occasionally an absolute break in the Aura is observed.

The Inner Aura does not alter in shape or size to any great extent, but it changes considerably in texture. The Outer Aura varies more frequently and more extensively in shape and size, but almost imperceptibly in texture.

In case of disease, the earliest morbid symptom is diminution or complete loss of striation ; together with this, the granules become coarser, this being apparently due to amalgamation of smaller granules.

Derangement of the Inner Aura is accompanied by a pari passu alteration of the Outer Aura.

The preparation of the eye by means of the screens renders it difficult to appreciate accurately variations in the colour of the aura. The colour in the main appears to range from blue to grey, the colour depending more on temperament and mental powers than on changes in bodily health. The greater the mental vigour the bluer becomes the Aura ; deficiency of mental power tends to greyness in the Aura.

Dr. Kilner carried out a few experiments which demonstrated not only that Rays could be projected by an effort of will from various parts of the body, but also that the colour of a Ray or a part of the Aura could be varied by an effort of will. Red, yellow and blue colours have been produced in this way ; blue was found to be the easiest to produce, and yellow the most difficult.

A careful study of Dr. Kilner’s results reveals that these agree with considerable accuracy with those obtained by clairvoyance. Dr. Kilner, however, appears to have studied more minutely, in some respects, the structure of the Aura and the effects on it of disease.That which Dr. Kilner terms the Etheric Double is evidently identical with that which is described under the same name as clairvoyants. The striations of Dr. Kilner’s Inner Aura are clearly the same as the health Aura (see Chapter IV, p. 32). That which Dr. Kilner describes as the Outer Aura would appear to the present writer to consist of etheric particles from which the Prâna has been withdrawn and other etheric matter discharged from the body (see Chapter XI, Discharges). The student should compare the outlines of Auras given in Dr. Kilner’s book with Plate XXIV, of the Health Aura in Man, Visible and Invisible.

It would appear legitimate to surmise that further improvement of Dr. Kilner’s methods would lead to the physical perception of (1) the Etheric Chakrams; (2) the flow of Prâna into and through the body; (3) the nature and structure of the Etheric Double within the body. Dr. Kilner having referred to the difficulty of perceiving the Aura against a background of flesh, the present writer has wondered whether a suitable background could not be obtained by colouring in some way the skin of the person being observed.

Dr. Kilner states that his one objective in making his investigations has been to utilise the Aura as a means of diagnosis. It is therefore, more than probable that further investigations would reveal properties of the Aura which, while perhaps having no diagnostic utility, would, nevertheless, be of scientific interest.

From the observed facts – (1 ) that ill-health deranges the Aura; (2) that the etheric matter of adjacent Auras flows together, forming Ra...
[2/15/2014 6:05:04 PM] Thuan Thi Do: From the observed facts – (1 ) that ill-health deranges the Aura; (2) that the etheric matter of adjacent Auras flows together, forming Rays; (3) that such Rays can be formed and directed by an effort of the will; (4) that the will can determine even the colour of such Rays – it would appear but a very short step to the subject of magnetic or mesmeric healing, and it is to be hoped that some investigator will make a study of this important and interesting subject in the same painstaking manner that has characterised Dr. Kilner’s own researches.
[2/15/2014 7:13:31 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DaiCuongTiengVoThinh8.htm
[2/15/2014 7:13:44 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_180.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:19:30 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_183.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:19:51 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_184.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:20:06 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_185.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:20:26 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_186.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:20:52 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_182.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:21:14 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_181.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:21:41 PM] *** Phuc has left ***
[2/15/2014 7:21:49 PM] *** Thuan Thi Do added Phuc ***
[2/15/2014 7:35:21 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_187.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:48:35 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_189.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:48:53 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_188.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:51:03 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_190.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:54:20 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_191.jpg
[2/15/2014 7:56:01 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/truongbigiao/DAI%20CUONG%20TIENG%20NOI%20VO%20THINH%20(%20BAN%20VIET%20TAY%20)%20-%20PDF_Page_192.jpg
[2/15/2014 8:17:37 PM] Thuan Thi Do:

1. mot doi song trong sach
2. mot cai tri mo rong
3 mot tam hon thanh cao
4. mot tinh than hang say
5. nhan thuc ve su hien lo tam linh
6. mot tam long luon giup do moi nguoi
7. mot quyet tam san sang dua ra loi khuyen cao va nhan loi day bao
8. mot long trung thanh phuc tung chan su
9. mot long nhiet thanh tuan thu va phuc tung chan ly, mot lan nua chung ta hay dat duc tin vao Chan su va tin vao quyen nang cua ngai
10. mot long can dam nhan nhuc truoc su bat cong cua nhan loai
11. manh dan cong bo cac quy tac
12. can dam bao ve nhung ke bi ap buc
13. song co ly tuong (hoan thien) huong ve su tien hoa cua nhan loai theo con duong huyen bi hoc
[2/15/2014 8:47:25 PM] *** Call ended, duration 2:46:02 ***
[5:57:40 PM] *** Group call, duration 05:31 ***