Họp Thông Thiên Học qua Skype ngày 11 tháng 4 năm 2015
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[6:02:07 PM] *** Group call ***
[6:05:12 PM] Thuan Thi Do:
To assist the student in obtaining a thoroughly clear grasp of the mechanism and results of thought-images in devachan, Diagrams XXXVI and XXXVII are appended.
[6:08:25 PM] Thuan Thi Do: To assist the student in obtaining a thoroughly clear grasp of the mechanism and results of thought-images in devachan, Diagrams XXXVI and XXXVII are appended. physical world in their physical bodies c and d.
The diagram shows that the thought-images, made by X, of his six friends, are ensouled by, and therefore directly connected with, the egos A, B, C, D, E and F. not with the personal expressions ( Page 265 ) of those egos, whether those personal expressions be on the physical, astral or mental planes.
It is also clear from the diagram that the personalities a,b,c, etc., can know nothing of what is happening through the thought-images a', b', c', etc., except, through their own egos A, B, C, etc..
Diagram XXXVII illustrates four egos A, B, C and D, all mutual friends, A, B, and C being in devachan, whilst D is still in his physical body.
Each of A, B and C makes a thought-image of each of his three friends, these images being ensouled by the respective egos.
A,B and C each possess three expressions of themselves: one through their own mental bodies, and two through the thought-images in the devachan of the others.
D, on the other hand, possesses four expressions of himself: one through his own physical personality, and three more through the thought-images which his three friends have made of him.
An understanding of the way in which an ego can appear simultaneously in the devachanic images of a number of people [as well, of course, as other phenomena of the ego world] shows that, in order to go from one place to another, travelling is not necessary for the ego.
In The Mental Body [page 236] we described the chord of a man, and explained, how this chord is used to find a man, wherever in the three worlds he may be. That chord consists of his own note, ( Page 266 ) and those of the three lower vehicles - mental , astral and physical. If the man has none of these lower vehicles at the time, the same mechanism holds good, for the causal body has always attached to it the mental unit, and the astral and physical permanent atoms, these being quite sufficient to give out the distinctive sound.
The combination of sounds, which produce a man's chord, is his true occult name. This must not be confused with the hidden name of the Augoeides, which is the chord of the three principles of theego, produced by the vibrations of the atoms of Âtma, buddhi and manas, and the Monad behind them.
[6:10:57 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://thongthienhoc.net/English/causal/Causalbody.htm
[6:47:00 PM] Thuan Thi Do: C H A P T E R X X X I
( Page 267 ) In The Astral Body and The Mental Body the subject of Discipleship was dealt with, so
far as it concerns the astral and mental bodies of the disciple, or pupil, of a Master. It will now be desirable briefly to recapitulate the leading facts concerning the stages of Probation, Acceptance and Sonship, because, in each of these the causal body is also in some degree affected: then we shall proceed to describe, so far as the ego is his causal body is concerned, the great step of Initiation, which is the culmination of Discipleship.
In the stage of Probation, the Master makes a living image of the pupil, moulding out of mental, astral and etheric matter an exact counterpart of the causal, mental, astral and etheric bodies of the neophyte, and keeps this image at hand, so that He may look at it periodically. This image is placed in magnetic rapport with the man himself, so that every modification of thought or feeling, in the man's own vehicles, is faithfully reproduced in the image. The Master is thus able to follow the progress of the pupil, and estimate when he will be ready to take the next step.
When the pupil is Accepted, the Master dissolves the "living images", because, they are no longer necessary. The consciousness of the pupil is then united with that of his Master, in such a way that whatever the pupil feels or thinks is within the astral and mental bodies of his Master. If and when necessary, the Master can erect a barrier, and so for the time shut off the consciousness of the pupil from His own consciousness.
At the stage of Sonship, the link with the Master is such that not only the lower mind, but also the ego in the causal body of the pupil, is enfolded within that ( Page 268 ) of the Master, and the Master can no longer draw a veil to shut off the pupil.
Whilst these stages naturally help very greatly , in preparing a man to take the first great Initiation, yet, technically speaking, they have nothing to do with Initiation, or steps on the Path, which belong to an entirely different category. Probation, Acceptance and Sonship represent the relationship of the pupil to his own Master : Initiations, on the other hand, are tokens of his relation to the Great White Brotherhood, and to its august Head.
Strictly speaking, therefore, the Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with the relations between the Master and His pupil; that is a matter solely for the private consideration of the Master Himself. Whenever the Master considers that the pupil is fit for the first Initiation, He gives notice of that fact, and presents him for it, and the Brotherhood asks only whether he is ready for Initiation, and not what is the relationship between him and any Master.
At the same time, it is true that a candidate for Initiation must be proposed and seconded by two of the higher members of the Brotherhood, and it is certain, that the Master would not propose a man for the tests of Initiation unless He had, with regard to him, the certainty of his fitness, which could come only from such close identification with his consciousness as that of which we have spoken.
It has already been mentioned [see Chapter XIII page 80] that, in a man's existence, there are three great stages which outweigh in importance all others: they are:-
I-INDIVIDUALISATION when the man begins his career as a human ego
II THE FIRST INITIATION: when the man becomes a member of the Great White BrotherhoodIII THE FIFTH INITIATION : when he leaves the human kingdom, and enters the superhuman stage: this is the goal which is set before all humanity.
[7:45:08 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalpa_%28aeon%29
[7:46:29 PM] Thuan Thi Do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga
[9:11:01 PM] Thuan Thi Do: Bà Bailey top 85, left 105
[9:16:44 PM] Thuan Thi Do: GLBN trang 421
[10:08:52 PM] *** Call ended, duration 2:02:44 ***